New Year, New Me

Understanding that our goals may be subject to change at any time, reflecting and goal-setting is an important step to take to ensure we’re on the right track to be our happiest selves. Here are some questions to ponder as you set goals for 2023:

What Brings Me Joy?

  • What is something that fascinates me and that I think about often?

  • What is something I get excited to see on the calendar / to-do list?

  • What small changes could I make tomorrow that would allow me to do more of those things that excite me?

  • What is something I find challenging in the short-term, but makes me happier in the long-term? How could I make this more attractive/rewarding in the short-term?

  • Is there something I did as a child that I loved but stopped doing?

What Causes Me Stress?

  • Do I experience negative self-talk or an “inner critic”? What does it tend to say? How can I respond when I catch these thoughts? If I were a stranger watching myself, would I be thinking those things about me?

  • Are there things I want to achieve that I avoid doing the work to achieve? Will achieving this make me happy? What gets in my way, can I delegate, or how can I make the work more rewarding?

  • What is something I dread seeing on my calendar / to-do list? Is this something I could avoid by changing small daily habits or by delegating?

  • Do I often feel stress without an external cause? How can I take time to care for myself each day?

Where Do I Want to Be?

  • If I had $5 million and no debt to pay, what would I spend my time doing every day?

  • At my company / in my network, who are the individuals who hold power to influence decisions? Whose voice gets attention and how have they earned that platform? How can I emulate their attitudes/confidence/actions to earn opportunities?

  • Who are my mentors who actively support my career growth/personal growth/fitness journey/etc.?

  • What goals would I have, if I accept that pain, uncertainty, and constant work will always be unavoidable?

  • Appreciating that I can always change my goal, where do I want to be in 5 years from now and 10 years from now? Who in my network has already achieved my vision? What skills does the future version of me have that I haven’t yet gained?

LeadershipAmanda Stone