Meet the Founders

Monica Dutcher

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If Monica isn’t creating, she isn’t living. A graduate of the University of South Carolina, Aiken, she has 15 years of experience writing for general consumer media and a variety of technical industries, from nuclear energy to asphalt pavements.

She envisioned MOXY to celebrate and empower fierce women and to fill a void that no other publications were filling (Enough with photos of silos and backhoes already!). The editorial muscle of the team, she is a crusader for work-life balance, a connoisseur of tea, and is absolutely smitten with her cat. 

Mantra: If you can’t beat them, go your own way.

Natasha Ozybko

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Having completed several Ironman triathlons while maintaining a career in sales, Natasha is the epitome of what it means to have “moxy.” As a co-founder of the non-profit Women of Asphalt, she knows firsthand what women in the infrastructure industry can achieve together.

With 20 years of experience as an intrepid saleswoman and networker extraordinaire, Natasha is ready to show women just how far they can go in building America’s infrastructure. In March 2021, she was recognized by Construction Dive as a Construction Champion – a dedicated woman who is making her industry a more diverse, productive, and welcoming place for all. 

Mantra: And when you get to where you’re going, turn around and help her too. For there was a time not long ago when she was you.

from c-suite to field.

from highways to parks.

women must own and grow their role in shaping america and its communities.