The Zen of Anxiety: Why We Find Peace in Constant Unease

It was the last day of third grade. I remember being in my room, comfortably snuggled underneath my silky blue covers. I had the whole summer of sun, pools and lazy days ahead of me. Instead of thinking about all the fun things I could do, the actual thought that crossed my mind was, I wonder what I should worry about?

Yes, you read that right. I was worried about not having anything to worry about.

Let's be clear – I'm not a fan of constant worry. Living anxiety-free is my preference. Unfortunately, anxiety has a knack for showing up at inconvenient moments, creating an unsettling atmosphere and prompting less-than-flattering reactions.

If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Anxiety is that friend who smiles in our faces while stabbing us behind our backs. Uncomfortably comfortable, it's the one thing we can count on, even if we occasionally want to metaphorically punch that friend in the face.

Anxiety is a paradox – both soothing and distressing. When it arrives, it makes us feel breathless. Yet, its constant presence turns it into a reliable companion. Stemming from fear and a craving for control, anxiety has become a constant in our lives. In its presence, we may feel out of control, but without it, we feel entirely unraveled.

So, what's the deal? How do we handle it? Amid various strategies, here's a simple one: slow down.

Literally, slow down. You're reading too fast.

Joking aside, moving at a slower pace, speaking slower, and softening your voice signals to your nervous system that it's safe. Practice this daily, and you might just find yourself less eager to be best buddies with anxiety.